Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Old Star Wars Book: Covering the Three Best Fiction Stories, the Trilogy Series

I started writing at a very early age. Initially, I did various business courses to advance my education but ultimately it was writing in which I found maximum interest. I indulged into new ideas and concepts and invented a few new theories. The Trilogy Series is my first writing experience and I have covered a few real experiences of my life into it. I have also learned a few teachings about this elaborate world from my ancestors and after summing up the basic human behavior, nature of animals and certainty of nature, I have crafted this fiction story book, The Old Star Wars Book
It is the beautiful description of some different shadows of living and afterlife that has won this Star Wars Book winning applauds. This book consists of three different stories based on different teachings and meanings of this great universe. These include The Life of Zoya, A Wizards Tale, and The After Worlds. These stories not only elaborate life on earth but afterworld as well. There are many people who believe that there is no life after death, but to their knowledge I have written this book. It says that though it is a different world, but a soul lives after world as well.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Why the Fantasy Genre is Exciting

The fantasy fiction genre is exciting. With so many new authors coming up in the recent few years, it is fun to catch up. Of course, the genre is not new. If anything it has been in existence since centuries. Frankenstein is considered to have given birth to the fantasy genre itself. It is definitely a stunning piece of work and it is amazing to read it. There has also been a movie adaptation of the book, which too has earned rave reviews.
One of the most popular Fantasy Book series happens to The Lord Of The Rings. It consists of three fat tomes as well as many smaller ones written by the author himself. J. R. R. Tolkien did a great service to the fantasy book genre when he wrote this series. He has created a whole new world where hobbits, elves, dwarves preside, where mountains move about and trees catch unsuspecting travelers in their nets! Yes, reading it is a great idea if one happens to be interested in the fantasy genre. Also, there are many New Release Books being published every year. Reading a new release book is a great way of becoming acquainted with new authors and their work.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

This is the Book You Have to Read if You Love Fantasy Fiction!

The latest trilogy series is something I have always loved to do. To tell you more, I love to read and fantasy fiction is my favorite genre of all times. So you will always find me on Goodreads looking for the Latest Trilogy Series to hit my local bookshelves.

The best trilogy series I have read till date happens to be the Lord of the Rings. Though the author of this series, the famous J.R.R. Tolkein refused to call his series a ‘trilogy’, I prefer to do so. This is the absolute Best Trilogy Series I have ever read. The scope of this series and the amount of information that the author provides about a fantasy world is just amazing. Anyone who has read the tome and hated it because of its length knows that it is a masterpiece. To create a whole world before our eyes and even a special language is a great achievement. One has to read the LOTR series to understand what I am talking about. Some people are bothered about the length of the series. Yes, it’s true that it can be a bit off putting, but when you start immersing yourself into the story, you are going to love it!

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Finding Books to Read Next Just Became Easy

I am a high school student and a voracious reader. I am always reading something or the other. I love to read and it is my absolute favorite thing to do. Give me a book anytime and I will be happy. I have lots of favorite authors.

The truth is that there are so many good books to read that I often find it difficult to choose something to read next. I discuss with my other book reading friends and they give me many suggestions on what to read. It can be pretty confusing. Recently I read the Star Wars Book that I downloaded from It is a great site and downloading the Star Wars Book was a lot of fun. This site is also somewhere I can download The Old Star Wars Book. I have loved the movies of the series and finding books that deal with the stuff was simply amazing. The Old Star Wars Book is really good and I am looking forward to reading it.

I have joined a book club in my locality and I think it is a great. Finding likeminded people who read is really great and I love attending the meetings.